
7 Easiest Ways to Remove Water from Ears

7 Easiest Ways to Remove Water from Ears
If you are someone that enjoys swimming, then you must know how uncomfortable it feels whenever water enters your ear.
Generally after taking your bath or swimming, the water drains out from the ear naturally after very short period of time. Because of this fact, it is very rare to use equipment and other methods to drain out the water from the ears.
If the water stuck in the ears for period of time than it will cause several diseases and infections which require proper treatments. If the water get inside the ear for long time and does not drain out than it can also damage the ear.

Can water be drained out from the ear?

Yes, the water can be drained out from the ears. In most cases the water from the ear drained out naturally but if it stuck in the ears than proper methods and equipment are used to drain out the water from the ear.

Tips for Getting Water Out of Your Ears

There are number of ways by using which we can drain out water from the ear. It varies from person to person that which method they choose to drain out the water from the ear.
Some of the best and most used methods for removing water from our ears are listed as below:-

- Tilt and Shake your Head

It is one of the most used methods to drain out water from the ear. In this method you have to tilt your head by facing the ear towards the earth in which the water stuck. And shake your earlobe when you tilt your head.

- Use the Gravity

Let’s take the help of the gravity to drain out water from the ear. In this method you just have to lie down on the table and let the towel absorb all the water from the ear.

- Blow Dryer Usage

This method does not drain out the water from the ear; however it evaporates the water from the ear. You just need a blow dryer and set it to the lowest temperature. Keep it at a distance of 1 feet from the ear and move it back and forth in the direction of the ear. While doing so, shake the ear lobe and repeat the steps until you feel in the ear.

- Create vacuum

This is also one of the most used method to get water drain out from the ear. In this method you have to create a vacuum by tilting the head sideways and keeping the palm tightly cupped over the ear. By doing so the vacuum will be created that might pull the water from the ear. You can also use your finger for this method. By doing so you have to place your finger in the ear, and make a vacuum by pushing and pulling the finger rapidly, soon the water will drain out from the ear.

How To Remove Water From Your Ear With The Use Of Special Equipment

The methods stated above are simple ways of removing water from your ear without the use of any special equipment or tool. However, there are some other methods which require special equipment to drain out the water from the ear and they are as follows:-

- Use Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide

Place three to four drops of diluted hydrogen peroxide in the ear in which the water gets inserted. Wait for a while than tilt the affected ear downward and the water will be drained out from the ear.

- Let the Professional do this

Sometimes water get stuck in the ear in such a way that we cannot control it. In such situation we have to go to the professional to get rid from this situation. The professional easily remove the water from the ear by using its tool and equipment.

- Use Alcohol and vinegar ear drops

Make a solution of half rubbing alcohol and half white vinegar. Use the dropper and put 7-8 drops of the solution in the affected ear. Wait for the time period of 30-40 seconds, and then drop out the solution. All the water from the ear will be get drained out. This method also prevents ear from the infections.

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