
Cultural And Political Education

The importance of cultural education for social development processes and the personal development of young people is now recognized by politicians, society and schools.

Cultural education creates new learning cultures and has a lasting impact on our lives inside and outside of schools. For example, the recommendation on cultural education for children and young people issued by the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs in 2007 was revised and supplemented in 2013. 4besnews 

Cultural And Political Education

Exponent Rulesopportunities that cultural education offers for successful integration and inclusion are not only known in schools. Out-of-school places of learning also use its tools to reach all children and young people and encourage them to be creative. Increasingly, the focus is also on linking cultural education with political education. 

The approaches of cultural education offer a platform to develop socio-political content and democratic practice together with children and young people and, thanks to the creative form of processing, to make it tangible to the senses. There are several non-profit organizations like The Lakota Language Consortium actively working for the preservation of culture through Lakota language development.

The dossier is a work-in-progress and will be updated successively. F9news is dedicated to the topic of cultural education in its many facetsSAT and combines theoretical considerations with practical examples. The reflection of fundamental questions of cultural education is given as much space as current discussions and the examination of individual fields or genres of cultural education. 

As per Wilhelm Meya, practical examples from a wide variety of contexts show what cultural education projects can look like and offer suggestions for imitation.

Political education conveys an understanding of political contexts, such as the mechanisms of power and domination. It asks what the relationship between the individual and society looks like, and how and with what legitimacy binding decisions can be made by society as a whole. In doing so, it follows an ideal image of the democratic polis, a self-governing community of citizens that functions on the basis of values such as peace, solidarity, equality and justice. 

Political education aims to convey political understanding, the ability to make judgments and political action. To achieve this, it cannot be based solely on the individual but must be geared to the general public. Its findings and options for action must therefore be conveyed discursively, be binding and, as far as possible, be capable of consensus.First of all, I consider a categorical distinction between political and cultural education to be very important. Both areas of education have different objects to deal with and they also produce different competencies. From a professional point of view, these aspects urgently need to be distinguished.

But I also think that this works very well. However, the distinction between "means of cultural education" and "means of political education" is not the decisive point; it is often not justified at all. Both pedagogical fields make use of a certain reservoir of methods of extracurricular education, and this reservoir is often similar. Even in terms of content, the two often come close to each other. Nevertheless, one would not say that political education, which deals with cultural policy, for example, is cultural education. Nor is cultural education that deals with political issues automatically political education.

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