
Gobi Desert Facts: Five Amazing Things You Need To Know

gobi desert

Gobi desert is not just the largest desert in Asia, but the sixth-largest desert in the world and one of the popular areas in the Alatai and Hungarian mountain range.

The Gobi means no water in the place; this area’s weather is arid, and the climate is very surprising. The desert climate is full of variations, the scorching sun to snow, everything you can experience here within 1600 km.

The weather is cold, and some places are very hot during the summer day time. Even some part of the desert is extremely little rainfall, which is causing Asia’s largest desert. The extreme weather temperature change you can feel here. In summer, the temperature reaches upto 45°C, and the winter is almost -40°C. And the extremely less rainfall and the cold wind from the mountain range is making the Gobi Desert Asia’s largest cold desert.

5 Facts About Gobi Desert

The Gobi desert is full of many surprising facts along with the different animals and different variations of the climate-changing factors. The extreme weather change to extreme lifestyle-changing everything is making the place more attractive for the tourist and the travellers.

Here is the list of five surprising facts about Gobi Desert which make this Desert a special place.

1. The Geographical Structure Of The Gobi Desert

All You Need To Know About Gobi Desert And Its Facts

Gobi Desert is Asia’s largest desert, and in the world, it’s in the sixth position. The desert area is 1600km long, and the desert is a rain shadow desert. The location is just situated between the north side of china and the south side of Mongolia. The rain shadow is created because the Tibetan Plateau is blocking the air of the Indian Ocean.

2. The Climate Of The Gobi Desert

If you want to know about the Gobi desert facts then the climate of this desert is extremely different and diverse. The extreme heat and the extreme cold both are the significance of the area. The Gobi desert has many sand dunes and a natural lake which you can spot in the silk route. These lakes play a very important historical value over the whole desert place. 

The silk routes merchants are taking place to rest on the lakes and the different mountain shades. In the summer, the temperature reaches upto 45°C, and in the winter, you feel the chilling air with -40°C and very little rainfall.

3. The Animals Of Gobi Desert

All You Need To Know About Gobi Desert And Its Facts

The extreme climate change is causing many animals to be permanent residents of this desert. Among all the gobi desert animals, the Bactrian camels are the most important unusual animals which have been living in the desert for almost thousands of years.

The Mongolian people are riding over these camels, and the two humps make the camel most unusual. Other than the Bactrian Camels, the Gobi Desert donkey and the polecats are the Gobi desert’s permanent residents. Climate diversity is creating a high abundance of flora and fauna. Even if you are lucky enough, you can spot magnificent snow leopards in the Gobi mountain ranges.

4. The Population Of the Gobi Desert

The population of the Gobi Desert is mainly the Mongolian people. Some of the people have Chinese ancestors. The most attractive part of the desert civilization is the population is remaining in the same positions as in the past. The local people are staying here in the desert. 

This is the only desert where actually the people are staying in the middle of the cold desert. Can you imagine the area of the Gengis Khan is just in the middle of the desert? And still, now the populations of the desert leaving in the same way as the past? You get to see how the local desert people’s life is simple and enjoy their simple life.

5. The Weather Change Of The Gobi Desert

The climate is very harsh here, the sunny water and the cold wind, every weather harshness is making the desert life more challenging. This desert works as the natural preserver of the different types of animal fossils and body of the different rare species. Even you can spot any dinosaur egg fossils from the Jurassic period. The narrow mountain cliffs are the leaving place of the snow leopard and the Gobi Desert bears. If you want to go hiking, then take the directions and help from the local people as they can guide you to the route. The harsh climate makes the whole desert wind very strong, and the less rainfall is another issue of the desert.

If you go hiking, then do not forget to take an umbrella along with the good protective sunscreen. The dry wind can cause painful skin cracking conditions.


Gobi Desert is full of surprises and full of different diverse people. As it is a very important part linked to the silk trading routes, you can spot many types of diversity here. The Chinese and the Mongolian civilization you can spot over here. 

This area is full of different types of diverse people, and the historical value of the place is making the whole desert the most attractive place for the tourist. If you want to feel the history of the silk route, then visit the Gobi desert.

Author Bio:

Jais Frank is a freelance content writer and enthusiastic blogger. He is the co-founder of Rslonline. He contributes to many authority blogs such as Dream and Travel and Essay Writing Guides

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