
7 Things You Need To Know About Finding A Job

7 Things You Need To Know About Finding A Job

There is a tremendous amount of misinformation about finding jobs online. It seems everyone has an opinion on how you should be going about getting a job – and most of these opinions are wrong!

Don't worry though, we've done the research so that you don't have to. In this article, we'll give you some pointers as to what's really going on in the world of remote employment. From where to look for openings, to some facts about remote employment itself.

7 things you need to know about finding a remote summer job:

1) You can find remote jobs on traditional job search sites – but many agencies won't admit it

Most job boards simply list a traditional office position along with 'potential remote' within their listing title, and in their short description. Because remote jobs pay less and often require more responsibility (working unsupervised), it's much harder for remote employers to find remote employees – and remote employees to find remote jobs!

Because of this, an increasing number of agencies are pushing remote positions onto job seekers. The reason is simple: they make money when you take a remote position with them (because the agency gets paid by the hiring company). They don't make any money if you get hired on your own without their help (except through listing fees).

What we recommend: Use online job boards, but also use social media and word-of-mouth. Be persistent and check in regularly with agencies that do offer remote positions.

2) Remote jobs are often not remote at all

The remote job market has become so hot, that employers don't even bother making remote positions remote anymore. With such high demand for remote employees, many employers just simply hire someone who lives close to their office and then let them work from home two or three days a week! Coincidentally, this gives these employees the freedom of working remotely without actually having to be remote.

What we recommend: Don't get bogged down by semantics. If it's labeled remote but you can still show up every day at 9 AM and sit in an office – go for it! You might as well enjoy your summer rather than getting stuck behind a desk 50+ hours a week.

3) You don't have to work remote from the get-go

Even if a remote position is remote , it doesn't mean you're going to be remote right away – or even ever! Most remote positions start out with a probationary period where you'll either travel back and forth between home and office – or just sit in an office all day long answering phone calls and typing up reports. Once this initial 'probation' period is over, you may spend as little as one day a week working remotely.

What we recommend: Be wary of remote jobs that seem too good to be true (remote from the first day). If they want someone who can run an entire call center from their living room, they may be over-selling the remote aspect of the job.

4) Remote jobs are still remote jobs

It doesn't matter if remote employment is becoming more popular – it's still not  the norm! You can expect that most employers will assume that you are willing to travel if needed . This applies even to part time work! Employers know full well that remote employees are hard enough to recruit as it is, so they're going to assume that anyone with a remote resume wants full autonomy and isn't willing to show up at an office every day.

What we recommend: Be open about your willingness (or lack thereof) to travel. If you have no intention of ever leaving home, don't apply for remote jobs that require traveling. The last thing you want is to be stuck at a job you hate simply because the remote aspect makes it slightly better than the average office gig!

5) Remote companies often still have a remote work policy – but don't always enforce it

Because remote workers cost less and tend to be more responsible – many employers would love nothing more than to hire remote employees exclusively . However, they can't risk burning bridges with their traditional workforce. In order to keep everyone happy, they'll continue offering 'traditional' employment opportunities while quietly discouraging them in favor of remote opportunities. If enough remote people are hired , then suddenly there's no need for a 'paper trail'. 

What we recommend: If you're remote , great. If not, don't worry about it either way! This is the 'hidden benefit' of remote jobs – employers are often willing to bring on remote workers and never even tell anyone (provided they do their job well).

6) Employers aren't going to make this easy for you

The job market has been hot for a while now, which means that competition among remote workers is tougher than ever . In order to compete, employers know that they have to provide a remote candidate with just as much incentive as a local one if they want them to take the position. 

What we recommend: Work your butt off in your interviews. Let them see how motivated excited you are about working from home . Tell them all the remote work you've done, show your passion for it, and don't let them forget that remote employment is in high demand.

7) Your resume still has to be stellar  - but they'll take more than just a great remote experience into consideration

Because remote opportunities are so rare, employers know that they can afford to play hardball when it comes to remote workers. They want remote employees , but not badly enough to hire someone who isn't qualified or experienced enough just because they're willing to relocate. 

What we recommend: Employers know better than anyone that remote jobs are in high demand right now – which means they're always over-qualified for most positions. That's why many

With so many people looking for work these days, it can be tough to find a job. Fortunately, there are some great resources available online that have helped me in my search. One of the best is Elevate - they list thousands of jobs from all over the world and you don't even need an account! Remote Jobs Blog also has listings updated daily with remote positions across various industries at different levels of responsibility. There's no shame in finding part time work either; sites like Fiverr allow anyone to sell their skills on a temporary basis while others like DogVacay let pet owners make money by providing services related to dog care or house sitting. I hope this post helps someone out there who needs help with their employment struggles.

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