
Microscope: Definition, Types, Uses, Parts & Examples

Microscope: Definition, Types, Uses, Parts & Examples

The microscope is scientific equipment that can show micro-objects that are not possible to see by the naked eye. They are not visible in normal ways. With the help of this equipment, we can see the virus, bacteria, or other micro-objects that help us to discover new things and help further studies.

This article is going to discuss the definition of a Microscope, types of microscopes and parts of the microscope. Let’s take a look at the following part of this article.

What Is Microscope?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.”

So, it can be said that a microscope is a scientific instrument that helps us to see micro-objects, structures, and colorless specimens. Plus, the light of a microscope can show the microorganisms. Let’s dive into the following part to learn the parts of a Microscopes.

Parts Of Microscope

Microscopes has eight parts that we are discussing in this section of the article. If you are one who is studying microbiology, then you are in the right place. So, let’s explore each part of the microscope.

1. Arm

Arm is the back of the microscope and supports the ocular and objective. This part is also used to carry the scope.

2. Base

The base is the bottom of the scope. In addition, it helps to carry the scope carefully.

3. Course Focusing Knob

It is used to fix the focus of the object. It helps to set the position of the objective lenses. This should be in mind that the objective should not hit the slide. Plus, it should be stopped when the object is completely visible through the ocular.

4. Fine Focusing Knob

It is used to fix the perfect focus of the object. Plus, it helps to avoid contact between the spaceman and the objective.

5. Illuminator

The illuminator is responsible for the light source.

6. Numerical Aperture Or Objective lens

This part is found in the compound scope. And it is the lens that is the closest one to the specimen.

7. Ocular Lens

This is the closest lens to the viewer in a compound light microscope.

8. Oil immersion Lens

This is a 100 times objective lens. It is a small lens for magnification and high-resolution features. Plus, it is important for the lens to get light.

Types Of Microscope

Different types of microscopes have been invented. So, the microscope has various types. They are:

1. Compound Microscope

This microscope has two lenses. These lenses are ocular and objective. It is a highly magnified microscope. According to the laboratorian, “Typically, a compound microscope is used for viewing samples at high magnification (40 - 1000x), which is achieved by the combined effect of two sets of lenses: the ocular lens (in the eyepiece) and the objective lenses (close to the sample):

The first lens is known as an objective lens and typically has a 4x, 10x, 40x, or 100x magnification ability. And. the second lens is referred to as the eyepiece lens.

2. Darkfield Microscope

Darkfield Microscope is used to see the visibility of biological specimens. It offers the greatest contract micro bio objects without the need for stains.

And this microscope has a device to generate light from the illuminator. However, it does to visible the specimen white against the black background. Here the light simply passed through the sample.

3. Electron Microscope

This microscope can see small molecules. This type of microscope has huge use in the laboratory globally. However, the electron microscope has three types– transmission electron microscope (TEM), reflection electron microscope (REM), and scanning electron microscope (SEM).

This microscope produces a flow of electrons instead of light to produce an image. An electron microscope is commonly used in universities, Laboratories, and nanotechnology centers. It can be observed in the in-depth detail of the species.

4. Fluorescence Microscope

Fluorescence Microscope is basically used to showcase microbes. Apart from this, this scope is offered to enhance 3D features at a small scale visually.

Fluorescence scope generates ultraviolet light to illuminate objects that other microscopes can’t find. It allows us to show the different aspects of bacteria, including cell membranes, specific proteins, organelles, and nuclei.

5. Contrast/Phase Microscope

This contrast microscope uses a special condenser that offers to examine the structure of the cells. This microscope uses compound light to examine the bio cells and cell disease. To prevent cancer and tumors, this microscope is used.

On the other hand, Phase microscopes can index live organisms. Producing the final image is a combination of dark and light.

Its light microscope technology increases the contrast of the images, transparency, and colorless micro-objects.

Bottom Line

So, this is all about the microscopes. Hopefully, this article has been able to explore each part of microscopes. On this note, we would say that it is not possible to cover every detail in one article, if you wish to get them, you can visit our website.

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Author Bio:

Blogger Clara Adams is really dedicated. She enjoys blogging about his views, experiences, and thoughts with other people. Clara Adams is connected to the News Profy, Circle Box Blog, Worthy To Share, Simply Law Zone, World News Inn, News Stoner, Voice Of Action, Proudly Update, True Health Tips.
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