
Tips For Making A Great First Impression During The Interview

Tips For Making A Great First Impression During The Interview

Your resume may have helped get your foot in the door and land an interview. But what happens once you’re face-to-face with the hiring manager? Employers highly value a candidate's personality, physical appearance, and behavior. You see, your credentials might be compelling, but it's the impression you make during the interview that ultimately determines if you get the job.

If you have a job interview coming up in the near future, we have some quick tips to help you make a great first impression. Let's dive right into them.

1. Be Punctual

You may have heard this advice numerous times before, but it's always worth reiterating: be punctual. Showing up on time shows your commitment and reliability, which are essential qualities in any potential employee.

Make sure you plan ahead; factor in traffic delays or other circumstances that could lead to delays, and aim to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early.

If you still run into unexpected delays, don't sweat it. Just give your interviewers a quick call to let them know about the situation. They'll appreciate it a lot more than if you try to come up with a feeble excuse after making them wait for half an hour.

2. Dress Sharp

The goal is to appear neat and professional from head to toe. It's not just about wearing the right attire (the right shirt or blouse); your interviewer will be evaluating you as a potential representative of the company, so make sure your overall appearance is impeccable. As a matter of fact, this has been a key observation by a majority of our key mentors in the mock interviews.

Think about it, if you show up with messy, disheveled hair, it might give off the impression that you don't really care. Don't want that, do you? You need to show that you're detail-oriented and a potentially trustworthy representative.

So, make sure you arrive looking sharp, well-groomed, and put together to make a solid first impression!

3. Go Well-Organized

It's likely that during the first few minutes of your job interview itself, you will be asked to present a copy of your updated resume. If you end up rummaging through your bag past wallets, chargers, or papers to retrieve the required documents, you will appear disorganized.

Which is why you need to ensure that everything you require is neatly organized well in advance and is easily accessible. You should be able to effortlessly produce a copy of your resume, home assignments you were asked to complete, and even a pen (preferably one that works) when needed. The less time you spend rifling through your belongings, the better your chances of impressing your interviewer.

This is something that a lot of candidates have vouched for recently. Among candidates who appeared for the Google Product Manager Interview, it was found that the ones with a more organized way of answering the questions and even in the way they presented themselves had a higher success ratio.

4. Project Confidence with Positive Body Language

Whether it's an in-person or virtual interviewer, making eye contact goes a long way in showing that you possess good interpersonal skills. However, this does not mean staring at the interviewer continuously for extended periods. Rather, it's about demonstrating that you are actively engaged and attentive to what they are saying.

Along with maintaining eye contact, nodding your head occasionally and smiling can show that you are genuinely interested in what the interviewer has to say. Consider relaxing your brows to look approachable.

These small cues can subconsciously indicate that you are friendly and passionate.

If your interview is being conducted virtually via Zoom or the likes, make sure you avoid looking away from the camera or appearing distracted. If you're at an in-person interview, avoid fidgeting or slouching; instead sit up straight with your shoulders pulled back, and maintain a relaxed posture.

5. Show Interest by Asking Inquisitive & Thoughtful Questions

When you get to the behavioral round, you are likely just thinking about salary, bonuses, work arrangement, career advancement opportunities, and so on. But don't jump to all of that from the get-go; connect with the hiring manager on a personal level first.

You could do this by asking your interviewers about their own experience with the company. For instance, you could say "I'd love to hear what made you decide to work here. What do you like about the company culture?"

The best part about asking such questions is that this will get the hiring manager talking. It will give you a sense of what the company is really like and who you are likely to be working alongside.

Put yourself to the test before you appear for your interview—a professional mock interviewer can help you out here. They'll provide personalized feedback on how to exude confidence and project a positive impression on your interviewers!

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