
7 Ways To Get Rid of Nasal Congestion

7 Ways To Get Rid of Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion is the medical term which has the same meaning as stuffy nose or blocked nose.
This problem occurs due to the swelling inside the nasal cavity which triggers the accumulation of mucus. Consequently, the breathing will be getting more difficult. This problem often indicates that you are having some flus, colds or even allergic reactions.
This problem might lead to other more severe conditions such as infections in ears, restless sleep in case it is not attended properly & may lead you to a doctor.

Here are the top 7 most recommended tip for how to get rid of nasal congestion which you should consider applying in order to not only cure the congestion but also improve your respiratory system. 

1. Garlic

The best ingredient for how to get rid of nasal congestion is none other than garlic. The antifungal and antiviral effects from garlic are excellent at dealing with infection of the respiration which can trigger congestion. 

· Put 2 – 3 cloves of garlic into some water and boil. Then put in ½ tsp of turmeric powder. Ingest every day.
· Eat some cloves of fresh garlic. 

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Packed with various nutrients, apple cider vinegar can benefit the immunity and health overall. If you are searching for how to get rid of nasal congestion, then apple cider vinegar is the ideal choice because mucus will be thinned out and stuffy nose can be cured with the use of this vinegar. 

· Put 2 tbsps of this vinegar with a tbsp of honey into some water.
· Ingest 2 – 3 times per day in couples of day.

3. Steam Inhalation

This simple therapy is an incredible solution for how to get rid of nasal congestion. Congestion will be cleared and the respiratory tract will be lubricated by this natural expectorant. Practice 2 – 4 times per day.
· Put a tbsp of carom seeds which are crushed into some water and boil. Then breathe in the steam.
· Also put in some drops of essential oil peppermint into the boiling water and then breathe in the steam.

Young children are suggested to keep away from this tip due to the scalding risk. This warning also applies to people which heart condition, high blood pressure and disorders of nervous system as well as pregnant women.

4. Nasal Irrigation

This simple tip for how to get rid of nasal congestion is able to eliminate mucus as well as irritants in the nasal passages.

· Put a tsp of salt into some warm distilled water.
· Do the nasal irrigation with a neti pot.
· Practice 1 – 2 times every day for couples of day.

Only distilled water or at least boiled water as well as clean irrigation device for this method. 

5. Eucalyptus Oil

The anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects are highly beneficial for people who are looking for how to get rid of nasal congestion.

· Put some drops of essential oil from eucalyptus into a clean handkerchief and breathe in the aroma. Practice several times per day.
· Also put some of this oil onto the pillow to get same effect while sleeping.

6. Warm Water

This tip is essential for how to get rid of nasal congestion because it can support the steady mucus flow in the nasal passages as well as moisturize and prevent the drying of nasal passages.

· Put a humidifier into use in order to clear clogged nasal passages.
· Put a hot shower into running in order to accumulate steam then inhale the vapors. Practice twice every day.
· Put a cloth into warm water and then put it onto your face for about 15 minutes. Practice couples of time per day.

7. Herbal Tea

Last tip for how to get rid of nasal congestion is using hot tea from herb because it will remove toxins in your body.

You just need to ingest some hot tea from herb of your preference for couples of time every day. Also peppermint is highly recommended due to its menthol which is brilliantly effective against nasal congestion.

Editor's review:
This article is written by Tushar Sekhon, General Physician & Medical Consultant India. You too can submit yours!
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