
7 Characteristics And Qualities Of A Good Teacher

7 Characteristics And Qualities Of A Good Teacher

In this article, we'd be seeing the top characteristics and qualities you need to possess in order to be called a great teacher. Oxford Learners Dictionaries' definition of 'teach' as 'to give lessons to students in a school, college, university, etc.; to help somebody learn something by giving information about it'. Looking at this definition, one should easily understand that teaching is all about helping someone learn.

As a teacher, you should take your job as a service to humanity and deliver it with all compassion and patience. Students vary, and your behaviour as a teacher will contribute a lot to your students' understanding.
So after our survey with students between the ages of 15-19 across Imo State, Nigeria on what they thought would make a teacher effective, we gathered the below information.

7 Characteristics And Qualities Of A Good Teacher

Below are some of the characteristics and qualities of a good teacher:

• Dedication to teaching

As a teacher, you need to be committed to your work. Dedication refers to a  love of teaching or passion for the work, which includes being committed to your students’ success. One of the ways you can prove your dedication to your student is by showing that you're always willing to help and give time.

• Your relationships with your students matter a lot

How do you relate to your students? What kind of teacher are you? Someone a kid will always want to be around or someone that keeps them running whenever s/he's on sight? A good teacher needs to be able to build trusting relationships with students in order to create a safe, positive, and productive learning environment. 

• A good teacher should be kind, caring and patient

While different people possess different temperaments, teachers are special people and should sensitivity to student differences, particularly with learners. Recent research revealed that teacher dispositions are strongly related to student learning and development.

• Effective goal-setting

Another great quality of an effective teacher is the ability to set clear objectives individual students, single lessons, their entire class and themselves.
Goals are a very important part of setting and measuring challenges, both for the students and the teacher. Developing goals can assist with assessing academic performance while giving students clear directives on how to improve.  You can set clear objectives with the following steps:

• Clear communication

An effective teacher should be able to use both verbal and nonverbal communication skills to identify student needs and to know when to listen versus when to talk. You can also use developed written communication skills to report information to parents and other school professionals.

• Preparation

Another quality of a good teacher is your preparedness for every possible scenario. You're being prepared can promote trust and comfort in the classroom. It will also allow you to create lesson plans that are catered to the individual needs of each student. 

• Ability to make your students want to learn

A good teacher should be able to know how to make learning enjoyable by teaching students in an engaging and appealing way. When your students enjoy the lessons, they're more likely to participate in the classroom and perform better academically.

When teaching, always endeavour to ask your students for feedback. This will help you figure out your student's knowledge of the subject and how fast they're grabbing the tutorials.

What did I miss? Don't forget to drop them as comments in the box below. Before you leave, also check out our next post on 8 signs you're actually making a difference as a teacher.
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