
What To Do If You Think You Have A Mental Health Problem

What To Do If You Think You Have A Mental Health Problem

Sometimes your self-awareness may include recognizing things you don’t like about yourself or things that bother you. Sometimes it may be a concern worth looking into, or maybe you’re just paranoid. In some cases, it may help to seek an evaluation from a medical professional such as a mental health expert to understand why you feel the way you do. However, there are other things to consider that could signal it is time to seek professional help. A few signs may include the following:

Assess Your Ability to Complete Tasks: Has It Changed?

Are you getting things done on time, or notice it takes you longer to get simple things completed? Your ability to function, such as meeting your daily responsibilities, is affected by your thoughts or behaviour changes. It may be a silent sign commonly overlooked because they became accustomed to the change. If you want to remain independent, it is essential to understand the necessary coping skills needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

If there is no explanation for why things changed in how you complete daily tasks or why you’re not functioning in the capacity you should be, it could be a red flag. The onset of a mental health condition could be gradual, so you may not recognize it right away.

Assess Your Mood, Thoughts, and Overall Behavior

How has your mood been lately? Do you notice you feel sad or anxious more often? If you feel down most of the time, you could have depression. It is common to feel sad sometimes, but when that feeling sticks around for more than two weeks, along with feeling low in energy, lack of social interests, problems concentrating, and feelings of hopelessness, it is time to seek help (read more about therapy here: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/therapy/what-were-carl-rogers-therapy-contributions/). A mental illness left untreated could lead to significant issues.

Assessing your mood may include taking notes on how often you feel fearful, excessively worry about things, or have prolonged anger feelings. Your behaviour may also translate into difficulties with your relationships, lack of interest in doing things you used to enjoy, and dealing with aches and pains that seem to appear from nowhere. You may notice how you deal with stress or find it challenging to deal with daily problems.

Have You Noticed Changes in Your Relationships or Eating Habits?

People that suspect a mental health problem may isolate themselves or reduce social contact with others. You may feel alienated, too tired to talk to others or want to be alone. When social habits change, people may also notice changes in their weight or eating habits. Some use food for emotional comfort or eat less when feeling insecure or avoid food as self-punishment. If you are facing problems in your relationship due to your mental health, it is best to talk to a mental health counsellor or psychologist such as A Kind Place to try get through this tough period with your partner.

If you are facing problems in your relationship due to your mental health, it is best to talk to a mental health counsellor or psychologist such as A Kind Place to try get through this tough period with your partner. 

Consider Ways to Get Mental Health Treatment

If you are thinking about harming yourself, there are ways to get help. Thoughts of self-harm are a red flag you need help, and people are willing to help you. Usually, thoughts of self-harm last for a few moments. It is an urge related to unwanted feelings. You can learn how to work through unwanted feelings and learn more about why you have such thoughts. They may be a sign of major depression or other mood disorder that is treatable. 

It also helps to review the benefits of getting mental health support. If you suspect a mental health problem, you can talk to your doctor or counsellor. They may do a screening that includes asking questions about your health and lifestyle to determine a diagnosis and treatment. No matter how you feel, there is always someone willing to hear you out, and there are ways to get help to meet your needs. 

About the author:

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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