
AI-Based On-Demand mobile App Development Ideas For Startups

AI-Based On-Demand mobile App Development Ideas For Startups

The smartphone users in volume and penetration have surpassed the users of all other technologies. With such breathtaking popularity and market reach, mobile apps will likely remain in control for most of our everyday actions. 

But not all apps are made equal just because coming up with an innovative and unique app idea is challenging. With the galloping increase of apps, the competition is also reaching new heights. This is why startups are always after new ideas and new technologies to shape their apps. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has already penetrated the app world and helped shape superior user experience with a bounty of intelligent features. AI is often relied upon as the technology to push innovation and introduce unique app features. Developers in India are all after finding their niche identity by utilizing the potential of new technologies such as AI and ML. 

Let us offer here some unique app ideas based on artificial intelligence to try your app project. 

Babysitter Finding App

Irrespective of whether you are a babysitter agency or a service to assist parents with great childcare services, you can reach out to your audience better with an intelligent Babysitting app.

With an app, you can easily strengthen the clients' trust and help them find your babysitter services or find out the nearby options close to the client location. In addition, to help clients ensure security, you can list all the babysitters that are checked for their background and location and reviews. 

Intelligent News App

As a startup, you can also build an intelligent artificial intelligence-based news app that can show news items based on the user's interests. For instance, when a user mostly prefers watching political news, the app can only display and list political news items based upon this preference. 

Intelligent AI-based healthcare Apps 

Already artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are having a huge impact on the entire healthcare industry. AI and ML-based apps help healthcare businesses and clinical facilities analyze patient data and improve healthcare practices and treatment accordingly. 

This clearly shows that AI-based healthcare apps can be utilized as crucial tools for decision-making to ensure more reliability. Thanks to AI, healthcare offerings can deliver more predictable results and save more lives. 

Intelligent Language Learning App

In a world of stiff competition, every person is after acquiring new skills and expertise levels. Through an intelligent artificial intelligence-based language learning app, both ambitious professionals and aspiring students can help improve their skills. 

Intelligent, AI-based language learning apps can also help international travellers to deal with instant linguistic challenges when visiting different countries. In addition, the instant voice translation feature in such apps can also help travellers meet instant translation challenges. 

Voice-Based Social App

All the social media apps are text-oriented, and now voice-based social media apps powered by AI and natural language processing (NLP) technologies can be the next big alternative. When writing this post, most people are habituated to make voice commands and access voice content more than ever before. 

So, the market impetus for audio, social media app is already ripe and ready. However, the audio-based social app allows the developers to interact with the audience in real-time, but such an app will overwhelm the social media power and capabilities. 

Risk Prediction App

Artificial Intelligence-based apps can also play a great role in predicting security risks and vulnerabilities. Since AI can detect security vulnerabilities simply by deciphering the anomalies of a mobile app, the security attacks can easily be prevented well in advance through proactive means. 

Such intelligent risk detection and prediction apps can play a great role in differentiating the potential security risks from the regular ebb and flow of traffic. In addition, such apps can help security experts create accurate models for threat reminders.

Intelligent Apartment Service App

Just one apartment management app powered by AI technology can deliver a multitude of professional help to the audiences to fix all types of problems at the right time. Starting from accessing plumbers to electricians to get the essential daily goods delivered at the doorsteps such an app should do everything. The app can also be used for appointing housemaids, drivers, gardeners and other staff. 

Such an app can be further empowered with features to allow monthly home rental bills, electricity bills, apartment maintenance charges or other charges as applicable. All residents can also use the app to keep a robust digital record of maintenance needs and payments.

App for Writers

AI technology taking responsibility for content writing is not a distant reality anymore. Already AI-based tools have been used by some major publications to create unique write-ups. However, this can be a more persistent reality for the app world in the years to come. 

Though building a very advanced AI-based independent app for writing content can still be challenging, at least you can create an app that can easily convert speech into writing quickly. This allows doing away with the idea of using hands for creating content altogether. 

Live Commerce App

As a newcomer in the app world, you can also build a live commerce app allowing online shoppers to make purchases from stores worldwide while sitting at home. Such an app streaming the live shopping stores can come with two separate interfaces, one for the customers and for sellers. 


Already leading businesses are utilizing AI and ML technologies for building powerful apps catering to a large audience. The innovations are still pending and are waiting for the startup apps. In the years to come, we can expect more AI-based apps to make a competitive presence. 

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