
What Is Rhinophyma?


Rhinophyma is a dermatological condition that affects the nose. It is characterized by an enlargement of the septum (the dividing wall between the nasal cavities).

Rhinophyma can also be caused by poor hygiene and smoking.

Causes Of Rhinophyma?


Rhinophyma can be caused by several viruses (Herpes zoster virus, Epstein-Barr, as well as the virus that causes warts). If you're infected with a virus, you will experience a small swelling in your nasal cavities. The swelling gradually increases in size and can eventually lead to rhinophyma.


Candidiasis is caused by a yeast infection that has spread to the nose. Candida albicans, also known as white yeast, naturally occurring in the human body. If you're exposed to it frequently or for long periods, your immune system will not be able to fight it off.

The symptoms of candidiasis are: swollen nasal and sinus membranes, a thick, white discharge, headache, fever, and mucus.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy can cause rhinophyma if it includes the nose.


Rhinophyma may also be caused by malnutrition and chronic lack of vegetables in the diet.

Heavy Smoking

Smokers and heavy smokers are more likely to suffer from rhinophyma because cigarettes increase the likelihood of an infection, especially one that can spread to the sinuses. Over time, breathing in the smoke can also irritate the nasal cavities.

Hormone Levels

Changes in hormone levels can trigger the development of rhinophyma. This is more likely to happen in people who are middle-aged or elderly. With age, the skin thins, making it more susceptible to an increase in hormone levels.

Hereditary Factors

some families are more likely to inherit rhinophyma. If you have a family history of rhinophyma, you are more likely to experience it yourself.

Reaction To Medication

Rhinophyma can also develop as a reaction to the medication, especially if you have a weakened immune system.

Other Causes

Rhinophyma can also be caused by physical trauma or injury.


As you age, the skin of your nose tends to thicken and become less elastic. As a result, the changes going on in the nose are more noticeable.

Rhinophyma on Different Parts of the Nose

The most common form of rhinophyma occurs on the bridge of the nose. It is also called nasal tip, nasal tip bulbous, or bulbous nose.

Risk Factors

Family History: If you have a family history of rhinophyma, you're more likely to develop it yourself

• Smoking: Rhinophyma is more common among smokers and heavy smokers.

Alcohol Abuse: Rhinophyma is more common among people who drink alcohol excessively.

Skin Conditions: Rhinophyma is more common in people with skin diseases, like acne and eczema

AgeRhinophyma is more common among middle-aged and elderly people.

Hereditary factors: People who are more likely to develop rhinophyma include those with a family history of it.


1. Nose or Nasal Discharge

Rhinophyma will cause you to have a white, creamy discharge that varies in consistency. This discharge may be crusty when it first appears, but after a while the discharge will thicken and become more liquid.

2. Nose Bleeding

Nose bleeding is another symptom of rhinophyma. It occurs when the blood vessels in your nose burst and your nose bleeds. It is not a sign of serious medical concern, but it does indicate that there is something wrong with the nose.

3. Nose and Sinus Pressure

Rhinophyma can cause an increase in pressure if it grows on the sinus cavities. This may cause sinus pain, facial pain and headaches.

4. Nosebleeds

Nasal bleeding can be caused by any number of things, including rhinophyma, allergy, infections and ulcers. It should be treated promptly by a qualified doctor.

5. Itching

Rhinophyma can cause dryness on the nose and nasal cavity. This causes itching in these areas. The itching can become so severe that it can affect your sleep along with the rest of your daily routine.

6. Swollen Nose

Rhinophyma causes a blockage in the airways, and the sinuses remain irritated. This can lead to epistaxis (nosebleed). It may be accompanied by swelling in the nose.

7. Pain

Rhinophyma can cause an intense, sharp pain in the nose and nasal cavities. This pain can be accompanied by headaches.

8. Sinus Pressure

Rhinophyma can result in congestion and sinus pain, especially in the nose. It can also lead to the formation of acne around the nose.

9. Redness and Bumps

Rhinophyma causes redness in the nasal cavity, and small lumps on the bridge of the nose.

10. Pus

Rhinophyma can cause a pus discharge from the nose. This discharge is usually thick and white.


1. Antibiotic

If you are suffering from rhinophyma, you may require antibiotic to fight infection. This treatment is very effective if the rhinophyma has been triggered by an infectious process.

2. Facial

If the rhinophyma is large, you may need to have it removed via a facelift. Facial surgery can also help cure acne around the nose.

3. Surgery

Thompson Facial Plastics Surgery offers rhinoplasty (nose reshaping surgery) to correct the shape of the nose and reduce its size. Many patients who have underwent this surgery are pleased with the results.

4. Cryosurgery

Steroid injections or cryosurgery can be used to treat rhinophyma.

Home Remedies

1. Use Hot Compresses

During winter when the weather is cold, your skin will be dry and cracked. This can cause you to develop rhinophyma. To help soften the skin, apply hot compresses to the nose.

2. Keep Your Sinuses Clean And Dry

For hygienic and healthy sinuses, wash your sinuses every night and clean them with a saline rinse. This helps to keep your sinuses clean.

3. Use Vaseline

Vaseline is a good choice for keeping your skin moisturized. It can also help you in getting rid of rhinophyma.

4. Drink Plenty of Fluids

"Drink plenty of fluids!". This simple advice is often what first comes to mind when people are suffering from rhinophyma. However, it is not always a good choice — especially if you suffer from rhinophyma at night.

5. Topical Creams

One of the most effective remedies for rhinophyma is topical creams. Some will have steroid ingredients for curing rhinophyma. Just make sure that the cream you use does not contain steroids. Some creams may contain suppositories that are inserted on the nose. If you use them, be sure to let your doctor know.

6. Hot Compress

There are also creams for treating rhinophyma at home. You can apply it on your nose every night to keep it healthy.

7. Wash Your Face

Washing your face with hot water and soap will help you get rid of the dirt and excess oil on your skin. This will keep your skin from hardening.

8. Use Soap Made Out Of Lemon

"Lemon has a long history, but not much scientific research to back up its effectiveness. There are no drug stores selling lemon soap for sale outside of the homeopathic industry. It will help, though."

9. When To See A Doctor

A doctor who specializes in rhinoplasty is usually familiar with the condition. If you have rhinophyma and are unsure of the best treatment, consulting a doctor is advisable.


Rhinophyma is a condition that is likely to affect people with a family history of it. However, many other people who have not experienced rhinophyma will be affected by brown spots on the nose. Having rhinophyma can greatly change the way you look, but it can be treated. Rhinophyma will not only affect your face, but also your breathing, which might cause sinusitis.

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