
What Are The Basic World And The Historic Facts Every Person Should Know?

What Are The Basic World And The Historic Facts Every Person Should Know?

“By reading we discover our world, our history, and ourselves.”

— Daniel J. Boorstin

The world is a huge place and world history is such a vast topic. Attempting to study and comprehend world history is daunting especially if you're starting from scratch.

When you're learning history in school, it can feel like you are just cramming facts and details about historical figures into your head. While knowing the past is vital, discovering a few odd historical facts along the way makes studying so much more pleasurable.

Even if you're not a historian, knowing these interesting details from the past can help you make sense of the world around you. Many UK top assignment writers have claimed that while writing history assignments, historic facts play an important and very vital role for crafting the best assignment for students.

Following are some of the interesting historical facts that will provide you basic report writing help too:

Stone-Age Technologies

The majority of history education focuses on later-period technological breakthroughs, but stone-age technology, such as friction fire techniques, stone blades, and clothing, can be just as fascinating. While these strategies are typically labeled as primitive, a more critical eye recognizes them for what they are: precisely evolved survival techniques that fit within a certain environment. Humankind's control of fire, which dates back 100,000 to 400,000 years, is arguably the most significant development.

The Byzantine Empire 

In the early years of the first millennium A.D., the Roman Empire began to crumble. The empire broke into two halves as a result of this decline: Eastern and Western. After the capital city of Byzantium, the Eastern Roman Empire became known as Byzantine. The Byzantine Empire eventually included much of the eastern Mediterranean, with a population of up to 12 million people. It had a protracted decline until succumbing to the Ottoman Empire in 1453.

The Persian Empire

The Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century B.C., spanned much of the Middle East, from modern-day Turkey to Tajikistan and Yemen. The Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sasanian dynasties made up the Persian Empire, which was somewhat fractured within itself. It is impossible to overestimate the cultural impact of these empires, particularly on Islamic civilization.

China's Ancient Civilizations

Human ancestors have occupied China for over a million years. The Xia dynasty, which ruled from roughly 2100 B.C. for about 500 years, is the first known Chinese civilization. The Shang dynasty succeeded Xia, which is supported by more archaeological evidence. Approximately 31 kings ruled during this 600-year span. The Zhou dynasty, the Han dynasty, and the Qin dynasty—during which the Great Wall of China was built—are some of the other Chinese civilizations.


Agriculture is thought to have started in the Middle East and Asia around 12,000 years ago (around the Mesolithic period). Human cultures began to become more village and city-based, rather than migratory, as they began to produce crops. This resulted in increased social stratification, allowed for the first time enormous population expansion, and had a significant impact on deforestation.

The Aztec Empire and Oxford University

Oxford University, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, has existed (in some form) since 1096. The masters were formally recognized as "universitas" in 1231. The Aztec Empire, which is widely regarded as the world's oldest empire, was founded in 1430; about 200 years after Oxford officially became a university.

Egyptian Pyramids and Woolly Mammoths

The Giza Pyramids remain one of the world's greatest mysteries: how were they built without modern machinery? The pyramids were built between 2550 and 2490 B.C. during a great construction frenzy. They were also constructed while prehistoric woolly mammoths roamed the world. The last Ice Age creature died 900 years after the pyramids were finished, in 1650 B.C.

Battle of Crecy and Chinese guns

We tend to conceive of weapon development as being pretty linear, but history proves otherwise. The earliest known bronze gun that used gunpowder was made in 1332 during the early Yuan period. Meanwhile, the Battle of Crecy between the French and the English, which finished in 1346, was groundbreaking in its use of the crossbow (a brand-new weapon at the time).

The Silk Road 

Around 100 B.C., a 4,000-mile trade route connecting China and the Middle East was formed. This route had a significant impact on both the East and the West, allowing for the flow of not only products but also ideas, faiths, and other things. Silk fabric, which had been unavailable outside of China for thousands of years, is named after one of the road's most famous and valuable items.

Shakespeare and the British Colonization of America

William Shakespeare, often recognized as the greatest English-language writer of all time, died in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1616. This suggests that when England began invading America, the poet and playwright was still alive (Jamestown was established in 1607).

Ketchup Was Initially Sold as Medicine

Forget Ibuprofen. When it came to popular medicine in the 1830s, ketchup was all the rage. It was first sold as an indigestion remedy in 1834 by an Ohio physician called John Cook. It wasn't until the late 1800s that it became popular as a condiment.

Vitamin Discovery and Sailing Of Titanic

Casimir Funk made a significant scientific achievement in 1912. In the same year that he discovered vitamins, the Titanic set sail from Southampton, England. Overall, 1912 was a fantastic year for medicine, but a disastrous year for transatlantic journeys.

The Olympics Used To Give Out Medals for Art

Fine arts competitions were held at the Olympic Games from 1912 until 1948. Literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, and music all received medals. The art that was created had to be Olympic-themed, of course. The incorporation of the arts was necessary, according to Pierre de Frédy, the originator of the modern Olympics, because the ancient Greeks used to host art festivals alongside the games. There were 151 medals awarded until the art competitions were eventually discontinued.

Marathon Running Race

Pheidippides was a Greek hero who ran 150 miles from Marathon to Sparta in search of Persian assistance. He sprinted 25 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the success after the Greeks won the battle. The marathon running race gets its name from this.

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