
Benefits of Digitizing School Medical Records

Benefits of Digitizing School Medical Records

Document digitization is getting more popular. As seen by online purchases, grocery stores, doctor's offices, petrol stations, and airlines, every industry we know is fast shifting away from paper.
The digitalization paradigm is also being adopted in schools, with paper documents gradually being phased out for all school settings.

Digitizing school health records can help schools overcome the gap. Not only will it facilitate greater security compliance and privacy requirements than paper documents, but it also provides improved data gathering, control, and auditing access, as well as expedites approved release in an emergency. 

Why do school health records need to be digitized?

Schools encounter major difficulties in maintaining track of their student’s information. Every year, thousands of children pass through the school system. Academic institutions are required to manage vast volumes of data that continue to grow year after year.
Everything from attendance records to exam report cards, academic transcripts, exchanges and documentation related to student loans, sponsorships, and scholarships are included in this data.

And when that data is managed on paper, records management becomes time-consuming and resource-intensive, typically relying on the expertise of a few individuals. If a key person departs or retires, the entire staff will be in a bind because they may not be aware of where the specific file is maintained.

As for the commercial sector, digital technology is quickly becoming the norm. Most business sectors are transforming how they work - thanks to the digital transformation approach and adaptability. And it applies to the education sector as well. Education is a big industry around the globe, and it has benefited greatly from digitization. Many academic institutions have benefited from the use of digital technology by improving student experiences, boosting data-driven decisions, increasing competitiveness, and optimizing resources.

Another reason for the need for digitalization and digitized instruction in schools is the COVID 19 epidemic. Digital learning experiences such as online classes, online examinations, eBooks, video conferencing, and, in some cases, virtual reality is better equipped and prepared in schools.

Post the pandemic, schools are storing much of their material in digital files and are reducing the need for paper.

Benefits of digitizing school records

Quick accessibility: One of the most significant advantages of digitizing school health records is the ease with which they may be accessed.
Document digitization enables an organization to access data in digital form from any location, removing geographical, time, and simultaneous access limits. Data accessibility encourages data flow inside the school, which boosts productivity.

Cutting cost: Physical records consume resources such as space, security officers, employees, and a decay-free environment, therefore document digitization allows schools to limit their use of them. We can optimize these resources to save money once the data has been digitized.

Information protection: Access to digital content is simple to describe because the documents have been digitized.
Not only does digital access reduce the time it takes to give access, but it also allows you to determine the level of accessibility. This increases data security and prevents data leaks. With the correct form of cyber security, keeping data safe is straightforward.

Increased productivity: Different departments within the organization may access data at the same time; but, if the data is not digital, obtaining it takes more time and effort.

Backup and restore of data: Data that has been digitized is simple to store in multiple locations, which improves data security. Data storage in multiple locations adds to the protection against data loss or corruption. In natural disasters, physical papers are more likely to be damaged, whereas electronic data is safer and easier to reproduce. Natural disasters are frequently unpredictable, therefore storing your documents in many, secure locations increase their trustworthiness.

Eco-friendly: For distribution, there is no need to print digital material, and it is also simple to manage. To avoid unnecessary printing, all that is required to share the information is an email. This will eventually lead to natural resource conservation.


Advanced services such as efficient data management, scanning and aggregating data from physical forms and medical papers, and evaluating student health data are all available with EHR systems like EduHealth. It can aid in the evaluation of health trends such as communicable illnesses.

Vaccine compliance, environmental and chronic health conditions, and successful prevention strategies can all be tracked using school population health data provided via EduHealth Electronic Health Records (EHR). EduHealth also makes it easier for school nurses to obtain, evaluate, update, and delete data as required by various legislation, streamlining and simplifying their documentation chores.

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