
Mobile Gaming Statistics for 2022

Mobile Gaming Statistics for 2022
The gaming sector has experienced a remarkable expansion in just a few years. According to industry figures, the mobile gaming sector generated total revenue of $180.3 billion in 2021, up +1.4 percent from the previous year.
The mobile gaming business boasts a 52 per cent market share, accounting for $93.2 billion.

The total number of new players rose to 3 billion, up 5.3% from the previous year, with the Asia-Pacific region accounting for 55% of these new participants. Several factors contribute to these figures, for example, an increase in the number of casual and professional gamers, increased viewership owing to esports enthusiasm, audience growth in live streaming of many genres, and many more.

With office jobs moving to homes and children being schooled at home, the gaming industry grew even more in the last two years.

This has also been boosted by the widespread availability of powerful gaming devices on the market.

Smartphone gaming capabilities have improved over time, making gaming portable and far more convenient. The ability to download easy-to-use mobile apps like the Betway app also accounts for the growth in smartphone gaming.

The gamer demographics have evolved as the ease of access has been expanded to smartphones that are not primarily available to minors.

A rising proportion of senior gamers are playing many times each day.
According to a study, almost half of players aged 18 to 54 consider themselves dedicated gamers.

Between the age bracket of 65 and 74, 36% of those polled claim to play once or multiple times daily.
Although a high percentage of people, 62 percent of those questioned between the ages of 18 and 24, claim to be dedicated gamers, other age groups are also very involved.

According to mobile gaming data, more than half of all persons over 55 consider themselves to be dedicated gamers.

Gender of Mobile Gamers

It is a common misperception that mobile gaming is a male-dominated sector. According to mobile gaming data, the ratio of devoted female to male gamers is nearly balanced at 49 percent to 51 percent. The male gender dominates betting, with a higher number of males betting on Betway and other leading brands.

Mobile Gamers by region

The Asia Pacific region has been at the forefront of the smartphone revolution. India is one of the fastest-growing smartphone markets in the world. According to Google, more than 60% of Indian online players are between the ages of 18 and 24.

Every day, more players join online games, increasing the number of gaming apps downloaded.

According to some estimates, India today has more than 300 million online gamers, owing to simple access to gaming payment methods and the widespread availability of smartphones. By the end of 2022, the number of users will likely double. Most of it comes from rural areas where mobile gaming is still gaining traction.

Participation in recent global esports events has also been seen among the Indian gaming community.

As a result, Asia dominates the world's mobile gamer distribution rankings, with the biggest number of players. Around 1293.6 million people, or roughly 1.3 billion gamers, live in Asia.

Around 551.7 million people live in Europe, 309.2 million in Latin America, 207.7 million in North America, 145.8 million in the Middle East and North Africa, 126.2 million in Sub-Saharan Africa, and 25.3 million in Oceania. Betway gaming is the leading gaming platform in Africa, where the industry is expected to experience substantial growth over the next five years.
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