
4 Ways Businesses Can Improve Their Social Media Presence

4 Ways Businesses Can Improve Their Social Media Presence

Social media presence refers to how well-known a brand or business is across popular social media platforms. Primarily, social media was created to communicate and share photos with friends and loved ones. After soaring in popularity, social media has earned its position as one of the most effective and powerful digital marketing strategies.

There’s no denying how businesses without social media presence are missing out. It’s like giving their competitors a free pass at being a few steps ahead. Therefore, they need to make it a part of their marketing campaigns to ensure an authentic social media presence and an overall positive reputation.

Let’s dive right into the different strategies on how businesses can build and improve their social media presence.

Be Active

Inactivity is the top killer of hype and fame on social media. Your goal should be to make it on your followers’ homepage when they open their social media accounts. To achieve this, businesses have to post regularly and consistently.

The popularity of social media comes with its pros and cons. When done right, social media marketing is one of the best digital marketing strategies to apply. However, don’t expect overnight success. Thousands of other businesses are also on social media. Growing your following takes a lot of hard work, beginning with being active on social media.

Ideally, businesses should aim to post at least once or twice daily on social media platforms. As for video streaming platforms, twice or thrice a week will be sufficient. You can keep up with this demand by making a content calendar in advance, so there’s always something new for you to post.

Alongside being active on social media, you can also opt to use tools that will provide you with an initial base of followers to assist in exponentially increasing the growth of your social media accounts by organically increasing your reach. You can read online reviews to know the most suitable tool for your business.

Use Tools To Automate Posts

Going hand-in-hand with the first tip above is the use of tools to schedule and automate posts. When you first start, you’ll be fine managing all your accounts on your own, manually. However, as you grow your following and as your business grows, automation is something you need to be more efficient.

Being active on social media takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get more subscribers on Reddit and other social media platforms and to reach your other social media key performance indicators (KPIs). Therefore, using tools that allow you to schedule and automatically publish posts up to a month in advance is crucial to maintaining your activeness and social media presence and widening your reach. This will also take a lot of workload off your hands as a busy entrepreneur.

Be On The Right Platforms

There are many popular social media platforms you can choose from, but you don’t have to penetrate all of them at once. You can opt to start with those platforms that fit your business the best according to your target audience.

If your business has young individuals or millennials as your target customers, you must be on Instagram and Twitter, as that’s where most youngsters are. If you want to target the older population, you’ll find them on Facebook, with Instagram coming next.

Being on the right platform is crucial, or else all your social media campaigns and strategies will only be futile. All those will still be ineffective when you aren’t able to target the right audience who are most likely to make a purchase from and support your business.

Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

Optimize your social media profiles to establish a sense of coherence, unity, and connectivity across all your social media accounts. This means your profile on one social media platform should look similar to the graphics used on another platform your business is using to avoid confusion. That way, internet users can still recognize it as your brand, whatever platform their using.

It’ll look all over the place if you don’t optimize your social media profiles. It can also break your image of professionalism when it’s as if your team didn’t exert immense effort with your profiles.

Now, it’s time to optimize your profiles. Here’s how to do so:

Disable Automatic Tagging: By disabling automatic tagging, you can check those tags first and decide to approve or disapprove them before they make it to your profile. This protects your online image from being tampered with due to inappropriate ones which may make it on your page.

Upload Professional Photos, Graphics, Logos, and Videos: Upload professional and high-quality content on your social media accounts. Also, when you upload on one, do the same on the other, so there’s uniformity across all your social media channels.

Fill Out All Areas of Your Profile: Filling out all the information necessary for your profile, especially the bio and contact details, is crucial. If you don’t, internet users may easily misconstrue your business as sketchy, given that you’re not posting any pertinent information for them to get to know you better. Most importantly, the address and contact details help bring more customers to your physical stores if you have one.

The Bottomline

On the surface, improving one’s social media presence as a business may seem easy. With personal social media accounts, all you do is post photos and videos, and reply to comments, and that’s it. However, the effort has to be substantial for businesses, as evidenced by the tips above.

There’s a lot more at stake, so businesses must go through each technique as thoroughly as possible. Find out what works for your business specifically, and scrap out those that don’t. You can also tap into the services of social media marketing agencies for this, but if you’re brave enough to do it yourself, the tips above give you a strong start.

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