
8 Tips For Writing SEO Friendly Content For Website

8 Tips For Writing SEO Friendly Content For Website

There are millions of websites where billions of writers publish their articles. But, Google ranks only a few of them. Why? Because the search engine shows only SEO friendly content at the top of their results. Also, the advanced Google search Algorithm only shows the audience the factual and appropriate pages.

So, practising SEO for your web content is vital to make your online presence felt to your targeted audience. Also, search engine optimization helps to achieve search ranking and provides the ultimate user experience to the viewers. So, if you want your blog post to land on the top of SERP, follow our suggested eight strategies to produce a well-optimized and well-structured article.

Top Tactics to write SEO Content Copy for Website

What is the point of producing factual and original content if none reads it? So, how can you highlight your content to your target audience? To make it happen, your URL needs to rank in Google’s search results. 

That is why Search Engine Optimization is vital while writing your article. It shows that your content has all the relevant information your audience wants. So, if you require your website content to rank top in SERP, you can follow our recommended eight tips for writing SEO friendly content. Also, you can connect with an SEO Company in Bangalore to SEO content for your website.

1. Keyword Research builds the Base

To make SEO-oriented content for your website, start the procedure with keyword research. Many people feel it is difficult to understand how to start keyword research. If you are in the same boat, follow our guidance. 

Firstly, note down the topic or main keyword and then analyze appropriate keywords to comprehend the target audience of your URL. If your website or business provides any service, try to search keywords according to the buyer persona. 

Do not stuff content with keywords. You need to understand Google only ranks search engine-friendly content that answers the audience's questions. So, how can you include targeted keywords, metadata, and headings in your content? 

First, comprehend the search intent and see the search volume for a particular keyword. Then, pick out relevant long-tail keywords with lower search volume and keyword difficulty. You can even use several tools for the process.

2. Decide the search intent and the format of the content

If you want to produce SEO friendly content for URL, identify the search intent of the site’s targeted audience. Search intent is nothing and the online search user motive. If you investigate, you will find four types of search intent- informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional. 

Now, information is the primary search intent where the audience tries to acquire knowledge in a specific subject and do not miss to checkout SEO agency in Ventura. Navigational intent refers to the searches users make to navigate a particular site.

Also, the commercial search intent refers to the mentality of making a purchase, and transactional search intent stands for visiting sites to complete the transaction. So, understand it properly and write SEO-friendly articles in the proper format. SERP features can help you identify the search intent.

3. Produce an improved Meta Title

Meta title tags are significant to creating SEO-friendly web pages. But, what are Meta tags? They are vital HTML elements that include highly-targeted keywords. The more unique you make your Meta title, the higher rank your content will achieve on SERP.

Plus, a well-optimized Meta title also elevates the click-through rate of your URL. Since the on-page SEO elements list includes the title tag, it is vital to make it up to 60-characters long.

4. Enhance the Meta Description

An optimized Meta description can act as an organic ad for enhancing your website click-through rate. So, to make that happen, write different Meta descriptions for various web pages. Also, incorporate targeted keywords into it but do not include more than 160 characters in the description.

5. Create a unique and relevant H1 Tag

For SEO friendly content, H1 of your web page acts as a banner to show what your page is all about. So, a 10-13 word long headline with phrases, such as how, why, or what can drive two times more traffic to your page. Also, try to include numbers, like '8 tips' or '5 benefits' to the H1 for better SERP ranking.

6. Make your content well-structured and readable

Organize your article according to H1, H2, and H3 manner. According to SEO services Bangalore, try to make a hierarchical format, such as heading, subheading, and bullet points in the content for a better topic understanding. They will make your article engaging and make it readable to the users. The more clarity you provide, the more people will read your blog.

7. Include visual content in your blog

Since visual storytelling format engages 300% more inbound links, try to integrate video or checklist to your webpage. Infographic is another sturdy visual content that enhances the SERP ranking of the site. All these tools deliver the message of your content with more clarity.

8. A readable URL enhances the user experience

Make the URL easy to read and include targeted keywords for the best SEO practice. If the URL contains specific folders, visitors can easily navigate to the desired section of the article.

Final Takeaway

We hope that our blog can help you create SEO friendly content for your website. Follow our recommended tips and integrate them into your blog as an SEO best practice. Also, keep an eye on the website performance after implementing SEO and change your strategy as per the Google Algorithm.

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