
Steps To Migrating Angular 1 Applications to Latest Angular

Migrating Angular 1 Applications to Latest Angular
Hello, people! I hope you have a couple of minutes to read an article about migrating Angular 1 applications to the latest Angular.
Today I will reveal one of the most interesting and useful topics among all the publications.  Are you ready to know what I’m gonna tell you about? In this article, you will learn how to migrate constantly, component by component, module by the module using ngUpgrade, and the Angular Router. I reckon that after reading this article, everyone could confidently say: “Oh, sounds like they wrote about me!”
Don’t waste your time, let’s get started.


I would be grateful if you could spare me a few minutes. I want to say if you have an application with three modules: main menu, messages, and settings. Every module describes components, services, and routes. You must admit that on the launch, the application presents the main menu. From there the user can operate to the list of messages by either clicking on the inbox or draft sections. The user can also open private information. Finally, the user can go to the settings page and improve the number of messages presented.

Pros and Cons: Which version of Angular is best for you?

Angular JS

1. Promotes faster application development due to select MVC data binding. 
2. Angular JS has extensive support such as plugins sufficient for front-end developers. Developers do not need to use other frameworks. 
3. Angular JS is very natural because it uses HTML as a declarative language.   
4. Angular JS is very adaptable as it can develop both iOS and Android applications
1. Angular JS has various ways of producing the same thing making complicated and difficult to use. 
2. It has an easy scalability
3. It has special issues when working with many applications. 

Angular 2+

1. Use of TypeScript improves code optimization
2. Angular 2 maintains mobile-oriented applications
3. Intensifies dependency injection 
4. Avails changing scripting languages like ES6, ES5, and TypeScript. 
5. Promotes code routing.

1. It has a complicated setup process in comparison with Angular JS.
2. It is not viable for small and easy web applications. 

Angular 4

1. Enhances quick application development by implementing templates. 
2. It is proper when developing single-page web apps.
3. TypeScript assists in developing large apps. 
4. It is easy to write and test codes by presenting a framework that includes unit operation testing. 
5. Angular provides templates that permit the developer to create clean codes.  
6. It has a modular animation package. 
7. Angular allows us to create applications that are cooperative with both mobile and desktop.
1. It is slow when outputting large numbers of data. 

So, in this point I have presented pros and cons of Angular. In my opinion you can choose one of these frameworks.

Migration approaches

Before migrating from Angular JS to Angular, it is good for developers to strategize how to migrate. A good migration strategy performs the migration process regularly and easily.

Angular complete rewrite

It is widely believed that one migration strategy used by developers is the incremental way. The incremental approach is becoming in numbers where the application is too large and might spend a lot of time during the migration process. This means that the continuous support is required for the application when migrating from Angular JS to Angular. But, in cases where the application is small and can be migrated over a short time, then a complete rewrite is the more conventional approach. When the migration approach is chosen it relies on your goals as a developer or as an administrator. On various occasions, the business wants their applications to continue running without interruptions.
When migrating large applications, organizations should also consider splitting the applications over teams where each team migrates each part at different times.
Despite the fact that the migration tools are free to use, migrating a project from AngularJS to Angular is not an easy process.

Migration to TypeScript

It is clear from the facts that Angular uses TypeScript instead of JavaScript. When you do AngularJS to Angular Migration, it can load the TypeScript compiler. Placing the TypeScript compiler helps you to stop worrying about how to achieve Typescript. It also helps you to start using TypeScript in your full AngularJS code
Module loader

As you can see developers can use the free module loaders such as SystemJS, Webpack, or Browserify to improve their projects. As a developer, you can cut down your application code into specific file elements. This helps you to divide your large project into small structured files. I recommend you to avoid the hectic process, it is good to operate a module loader. Module loaders like Webpack allow you to use the import and trading features. These features define which code should be distributed between several application parts. The CommonJS module loader allows users to use the necessary and module export features.
Using component Directives

You must admit that in Angular, elements provide the basis for building user interfaces. Different user interface parts are described as components and then converted into the required user action. It is usually accepted that if your component directives are not cooperative with Angular, it is good to use component API to help you to define the elements quickly.
As a result, you’ve read some very useful information about migration approaches. You must remember all these approaches before migrating Angular 1 applications to the latest Angular.


I would like to sum up the chief points of what has just been said in this article. I hope that this topic “Migrating Angular 1 Applications to Latest Angular” gave you some useful information. I tried to demonstrate the most important points, which can be helpful to you. Let’s mention the points of this article:
1. Application
2. Pros and Cons: Which version of Angular is best for you?
3. Migration approaches
I also recommended you to take a look at the most usable approaches:
1. Angular complete rewrite
2. Migration to TypeScript
3. Module loader
4. Using component Directives
I hope with all my heart that you have enjoyed this topic and picked a lot of interesting information, which will help in your future. Thanks for your attention, enjoy your life, and stay safe!!!
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