
Looking To Donate To Charity? Here Are Some Tips You Would Need!

Donate To Charity
Everyone wants to do good in this world, and it might be difficult, but we all want to contribute positively and help out where we can.
This might mean that you offer to donate to stop tuberculosis (TB) in South Africa with a specialized TB treatment, or you spend time helping out at a children’s home that caters to those who are HIV positive. For some, however, it can be difficult to know how to donate to their chosen charity.

You can help causes that stop TB by donating money or goods that can help the cause. For example, some TB infections are difficult to treat and the patients might be in the hospital for a while and need comfort and enjoyment. This is the perfect time to donate clothes, food or even toys to children. If you are still not sure how, exactly, you can donate to charity, you can read on below for some top tips.

You can donate blood

More often than not, blood is a resource that is scarce. This is detrimental for charities that help with diseases such as TB, HIV/AIDS, and other diseases which can harm the immune system. 

Most people aged between 16 and 65 are able to give blood, as long as they meet the requirements of the national blood society, which include:
- Weighing over 50kg

Leading a low-risk lifstyle (meaning that you do not drink alcohol or partake in narcotics on a regular basis)
Eating up to four hours before donating blood

You can also donate platelets, which are highly valuable for patients undergoing chemotherapy. Find your local blood donation station and ask if you can donate to their blood bank, but be sure you meet the requirements.

Make a monetary donation

A monetary donation is one of the most effective ways to donate to charity. Now, you might think this is effortless or uninspiring but NGOs, NPOs and charities all rely on the donation of money to fund their crisis relief efforts, which you can contribute to and help with. Even a small donation can help to bring some success to a cause.

You can donate online by pledging your birthday or you could go into the charity itself and donate cash. If you would like to help out in the long-term, you can set up a debit order so that once a month, a set amount of money is sent to the charity’s account. 
Always ensure that you can truly afford to donate this amount, as it can become expensive if you are unable to uphold the donation.

- Register as an organ donor

One fact that we are all aware of is that organ donors are dwindling in numbers, with only 30 percent of us being on the registry. A simple way to donate to charity or to truly help someone in need is to become an organ donor. 
The process is simple and you can help a lot of people by simply signing a few forms and keeping a card in your wallet.

Being an organ donor means that, should you pass away, your organs will be used to help other people. For example, your heart might be a match for someone on a transplant waiting list, or your kidneys could be used to help someone on kidney dialysis. 
It is a small action to make that can save the lives of several people, but you will need to undergo a health check so that the organ donor association is sure that your organs are healthy and in good condition.

- You can donate clothes, goods or food

Traditional donations to charity are always a good idea. For example, an organisation which helps with crisis response or disaster relief will always appreciate a donation of gently-used clothes, canned foods, and even children's toys to help out when disaster strikes. This will help the people who are affected by the disaster to maintain their hope and happiness.

You will need to be sure that any clothes you donate are clean, not stained and in good condition. Canned foods you donate cannot have rust on them or be expired, as this will compromise the food inside. 
If you are not sure what to donate, go to the charity or phone them directly to inquire about their needs. This way you can provide exactly what they are looking for.  

Final thoughts

Donating to charity is an effective way to help change the world and treat the issues that people face on a daily basis, but you might not be sure how to do this.
You could donate blood or become an organ donor, if you are passionate about helping those with medical problems. A monetary donation is always ideal, as the charity themselves can decide how to put it to best use, but food, clothes, and other goods can be just as helpful.
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