
7 Celebrities Who Love Sustainable Fashion

7 Celebrities Who Love Sustainable Fashion
In the past few years, many people have turned to sustainable fashion. That’s not surprising since living sustainably is a great way to preserve our planet and lessen the effects of global warming.
You can try by throwing away less waste or simple shopping for sustainable and ethical brands. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are some gorgeous celebrities who love to live responsibly and wear sustainable clothes:

1. Rosario Dawson

This gorgeous Puerto Rican/Cuban actress knew what she was doing when she partnered with Abrima Erwiah to create a sustainable brand Studio One Eighty Nine, now based in New York and also headquartered in Ghana. The goal of the studio is to promote African and African-inspired fashion. All the clothes are made in either Burkina Faso or Ghana, and their production processes are completely chemical-free. The brand even won a sustainable fashion award, and Rosario Dawson, who was live streaming on Instagram at the time, said that she couldn’t believe it herself. The inspiration for the brand was to help the Ghanaian community establish a fashion brand and use the advantages of the global economy.

2. Drake

He’s been taking care of our feelings through his emotional music, but did you know that he also likes to help our planet? In 2010, he went on the tour and partnered with an organization called Reverb’s Campus Consciousness Tour, that actually helps artists connect to various eco-friendly issues, especially if they concert schools and colleges. Drake not only likes to wear sustainable clothes, but he also prefers to travel through eco-friendly ways. 
Therefore, his tour bus runs on biodiesel, and he makes sure that he and his crew use biodegradable catering. His cleaning staff also uses eco-friendly cleaning supplies.

3. Kerry Washington

Most of you know her from “Scandal” where she fixed every problem as Olivia Pope, but did you know that this stunner is also a big believer in eco-friendly causes. She doesn’t only like to wear sustainable clothes, but she also has a fully greenhouse. Also, she once gave shopping advice to sustainable fashion queen Rosario Dawson. They were shopping in New Mexico when Kerry explained to Rosario that whenever she feels like buying something, she first looks at the price, and then divides it by 10. The resulting number is also the east number of times she’ll wear that clothing item. That’s also a great way to avoid impulsive shopping that fast fashion industry relies on so much.

4. Oprah Winfrey

This woman can be an inspiration to many. She’s been through terrible hardships and has it all. So it’s no wonder that she can empathize with the struggles our planet is currently going through. She regularly donates to environmental causes and was the first one to challenge corporation to sponsor a Habitat home all over America. Of course, it’s not surprising that Oprah supports eco-conscious fashion. Oprah is known as a fashion icon and body-positivity role model, so if you prefer elegant minimalism wardrobe she could be a great inspiration to reorganize your closet, as she regularly sells off her for very affordable prices. Even though she rarely attends fashion shows, she always makes sure to go to Stella McCartney fashion shows, and every fashion-lover knows that Stella is a devout vegan and applies the same eco-friendly practices to the clothes she makes.

5. Morgan Freeman

This acting God (no, he literally played a God in “Bruce Almighty”) is known to be able to act in almost any movie. Morgan Freeman can feel comfortable in almost any role, but did you know that he’s only dedicated to various environmental causes? Aside from narrating various green documentaries, he has also turned his Mississippi property into a sanctuary for endangered bees (not necessarily honey bees!).
So it isn’t surprising that he also prefers sustainable fashion that isn’t harming our planet. He can often be seen wearing them during the interviews and movie premieres.

6. Will.I.Am.

This multi-talented guy with an amazing talent, infectious smile and very bubbly personality is also a big supporter of everything sustainable and eco-friendly. Since he spends a lot of time in the UK, he decided to partner with Coca-Cola and launch a sustainable fashion brand there. The brand is called Ecocycle and the clothes, both menswear and womenswear are made using recycled materials such as aluminium cans and plastic bottles. The Black Eyed Peas founder and main songwriter said that launching a sustainable fashion brand started in 2009 after he met a Coca-Cola’s leading sustainability officer at one of his concerts. Aside from clothes, Ecocycle also had suitcases and shoes.

7. Pharrell Williams

For older music fans, he’s known as one half of the music duo NERD, but younger ones probably remember his from a few years ago, when he released an ultimate summer anthem “Happy”. Pharrell pretty much dominated 2013, because aside from “Happy”, he also teamed up with Daft Punk and brought one of the biggest hits we’ve heard — “Get Lucky”.  Since he’s so talented and has an ear for hits, it’s pretty understanding that he also loves caring about the environment. In 2018, he announced collaboration with another groundbreaking celebrity, Jaden Smith, to create a sustainable denim line brand. That means that the pair of jeans is made without any water waste. Before that, in 2014, he joined another denim label G-Star, that greatly changed their goals toward sustainability after he came onboard.

In conclusion

These celebrities are surely helping put sustainable fashion on the map. They’re proof that the fashion industry is finally changing priorities and starting to care about the environment. All the beautiful and talented people mentioned are showing us that you can shop responsibly, wear sustainable clothes and still look more stunning than ever!
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