
5 Reasons You Should Drink Water In The Morning In An Empty Stomach

5 Reasons You Should Drink Water In The Morning In An Empty Stomach
Water is one of the most vital component required by humans and other organisms to survive.
Good a thing, it is a free gift of nature and can be gotten easily around us. No organism can survive without water even with an excess supply of food. Almost everything we do on Earth requires water from eating, washing, bathing, driving and even in the industries.
Around 55-60% of fluids exist in the human body and we remove the fluids by sweating, urinating or breathing. Because of these activities, there is need for these fluids to be refilled.

This article wile show you some of the benefits of drinking water and reasons you should drink water every morning.

5 Reasons You Should Drink Water Every Morning

What's the first thing you do as you wake up in the morning? Do you just hop into the bathroom, brush your teeth and then head over to the dining for your meals? If that has been your regular routine, try including a regular intake of water before your breakfast for a healthy living.
Some of the benefits of drinking early morning water include:

• It boosts your immunity

Regular intake of water helps you in fighting off infection. It is necessary for the maintenance of the body fluid balance. Try inculcating the habit of taking water early morning your body will be ever grateful.  

• It helps in expelling toxins from your body

Toxins are removed from your body whenever you pee and drinking enough water encourages it. The more water you drink, the more times you visit the bathroom. Apart from cleansing and detoxifying the body, it also prevents bloating.

• It helps in weight loss

Drinking more water in the morning can help you lose weight faster as water doesn't contain calories at all. In addition, drinking water regularly will help keep your stomach full. There is no consequence of drinking excess water, just drink until you're okay.

• It prevents migraine attacks

According to StyleCraze.com, one of the primary reasons behind migraine attacks in humans is due to lack of water in the body. Dehydration is a major cause of headache and regular intake of water can help get rid of it easily.

• It helps in the cleansing of the colon

Regular drinking of water in an empty stomach can help in the faster absorption of nutrients and getting rid of the accumulated sludge. This will help in keeping your colon and overall body healthy.


The water therapy was first introduced to thee world by the Japanese and it has been backed up by various studies as well.
As a newbie it might not be very easy on you but you can start in a little quantity. Take the water before brushing your teeth or having your breakfast.
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