
Rings And Fingers: What Does Wearing A Ring On Each Finger Symbolize?

Rings And Fingers: What Does Wearing A Ring On Each Finger Symbolize?

At the end of this article, you should have known the Latin names and symbolic meaning of wearing rings on each of the five fingers.
• Digitus primus manus (thumb): This is the short, thick first digit of the human hand, set lower and apart from the other four and opposable to them.

Wearing a thumb ring on the right hand, the active hand shows ambitious hesitation while the left thumb with the ring on the passive hand shows inner conflict.

Digitus secundus (index finger): It is the second finger of a human hand, located between the thumb and the middle finger.

Wearing a ring on this finger on the active hand indicates self-esteem, confidence, and great leadership qualities. On the passive hand, it signifies accepting the leadership of others.

Digitus medius (third finger): This is typically the longest finger and is located between the index finger and the ring finger.

It is surprisingly uncommon seeing individuals wear rings on the middle finger and it is open to interpretation. You can choose your own symbolism for a ring on this prominent finger.

• Digitus quartus manus (ring finger): This is the third from the thumb finger of a human hand and is located between the little finger and the middle finger. It is so named for its traditional association with wedding rings in many cultures.

This finger is mostly associated with weddings and engagements, even though it might vary from one locality to the other.

Digitus minimus manus (little finger): It is the most ulnar and smallest finger of the human hand, opposite the thumb, and next to the ring finger.

Wearing a ring on this finger tends to be flashy and can indicate a person who is a good negotiator. Generally, it doesn't have any religious or cultural associations in most cultures.

Rings And Fingers: What Does Wearing A Ring On Each Finger Symbolize?

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