
4 Brilliant Ways to Advertise Your Nigerian Business Post-Coronavirus Lockdown

4 Brilliant Ways to Advertise Your Nigerian Business Post-Coronavirus Lockdown
Besides feigning devastating effects on people's health, the COVID-19 has emerged as a deathly blow for the organizations.
The Nigerian business owners are confused about how to bring their businesses back on track. Disruptions in the supply and demand chains have forced the owners to halt their operations. Some factories have been temporarily closed to avert the total variable cost. On the other hand, some owners have entirely closed their factories to evade the total fixed expenses as well.

As we all know, a business is entirely useless in the absence of the right advertisement strategies. An advertisement is as crucial for a business as a soul for a body. So, the companies should forge required advertisement policies for the new post-coronavirus era. Such strategies will assist the firms in bolstering their recovery.

The first and foremost step to advertise your business is to create an online presence of your brand. Digital marketing is an integral part of that step. Even if you are short on budget, you can always hire digital freelance services widely available on several online freelancing platforms at a minimal cost.

To combat the uncertainties of the future, you should answer specific questions.

What will influence or attract clients in the post-COVID era? 

What will be the business landscape after the lockdown? 

Will the customers be ready to invest in your business?

You can even connect with your target audience and have cognizance of their requirements. Researching about the customers' needs is a fantastic way to stimulate your ideal advertisement strategy.
With the aid of this article, you can climb one more stair towards the gateway of success. Let us have a glimpse of the various ways by which you can advertise your Nigerian business after the lockdown.

• Go Digital

Building a robust social presence is one of the best marketing strategies post the lockdown era. This is because coronavirus has led to augmented usage of social media platforms. Be it the usage of various applications or software that facilitates remote working, or the e-commerce platforms; there are umpteen reasons for this.

Thus, you can reap a plethora of benefits of this opportunity by going digital. But creating a social presence is not the only goal you should aim for. You should identify the channels which are accessed by your target audience.

Rather than being everywhere, you should try to go deep and wide in one stream. Define your target audience and the platforms in which they engage the most. Then create high-quality content on that platform to attract your target audience.

With the various digital marketing platforms, you can promote your products and services. The different marketing strategies that you can incorporate into your business to advertise it are as follows.

> SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
> Social Media Marketing
> Website Management
> Content Marketing
> Influencer Marketing
> Data-driven Marketing
> Email Marketing
> SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Email, YouTube, etc. can help you market your business. Incorporating the SEO keywords in your content can enhance your business page on the search engines. The consumers who actively use the search engines can know about your website quickly.
4 Brilliant Ways to Advertise Your Nigerian Business Post-Coronavirus Lockdown
This, in turn, can bring a greater target audience towards your business and enrich your customer base too.

• Integrate An Outsourced Marketing Team

Due to the worldwide lockdowns, there has been a modification in the payment structure of social media advertisements. With a change in the CPI (Cost Per Impression) of social media advertisements, you should review your advertisement strategy to align it with your costs.

Therefore, this is the perfect time to know the payment structure of different advertisement channels. The Wall Street Journal exhibits that the cost of Facebook marketing has truncated at a rate of 15%. So, you can determine your channel according to your budget for advertisement.

Integrating an outsourced marketing team is essential as it proffers many benefits. The professionals of the team have cross-industry knowledge and, hence, have augmented efficiency. With their innovative marketing strategies, they can expand your marketing channel expertise. 

Not only this, but you get the benefit of numerous experts in a single fee. By paying for decreased overhead expenses, you can get an insight into the latest industry updates. The team aims at shifting from tactics to strategy, and, thus, you can focus on the core of your business.

• Revise The Branding Materials

You should revamp your business branding materials in a way to suit the current situation. Your branding materials should be promising enough to assure the customers that they are spending their money in the right direction. 

Apart from the promises and messages, other elements that should be consolidated into your brand are the materials. Some businesses were not able to update their brands due to busy schedules. However, this is the right time to grab the opportunity of exhibiting a mirror of your personality through your brand. The branding materials incorporate the brand, logo, tagline, colour palette, messaging fonts, colours, design, layouts, and other marketing techniques. 

After the lockdown, your advertisement message should include the potential energy that you have received. You can fabricate an intriguing and quirky message like, “We are back with more vigour and zeal to satisfy you.

You can also utilize this time to procure feedback from your customers and develop an appropriate branding strategy accordingly. Build a branding strategy that keeps your clients glued to your business.

• Present Your Safety-conscious Nature

Even after the lockdown, people will take precautionary measures relating to their safety. You can clear the public's apprehensiveness by establishing new standards of sanitization and safety.

You can tell the people about your restricted schedules and processes. Advertising about your hand sanitizer stations or the glass visors at the checkout is essential. This is because prospective customers will become your clients only when they are assured of their protection.


There are many ways to advertise your brand in public. However, these edgy times require you to form a multi-channel approach. Now is the accurate time when the Nigerian businesses need to re-plan their marketing strategies to thrive post-lockdown. Due to extensive consumer behaviour changes, organizations should review the internal and external attributes of a business.

Before you leave, also check out our next article on the 5 easiest ways to make money online during the Covid-19.
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