
Mental Health | 8 Depression Triggers You Should Know About

8 Depression Triggers You Should Know About
Major clinical depression or recurrent clinical depression comes and goes without warning or reason.
For some people, these sadness episodes can be debilitating. The low mood can even lead to suicide. A major depressive disorder will leave your mind feeling drained and helpless. The mental stress causes difficulty in being present and successful in your daily life. Although clinical depression is a serious and common mental health disorder, the real illness can't be pushed away or ignored, professionals can treat it with therapy. 

Once depressive types of symptoms are brought under control, patients can learn to recognize and prevent common causes and signs of depression triggers such as sadness, an indifferent mood, or thoughts of suicide. Don’t hesitate to contact the national suicide helpline if you have such types of thoughts. Preventing them is better in the long run. Or better yet, you can try to learn to completely avoid these types of triggers and signs that are beyond your control. 

Though you have a number of psychiatric hospitals and treatments to treat, you must be aware of the facts that trigger. These facts may help you know in advance and prevent another depressive episode from occurring. Read on to learn about eight clinical depression triggers and signs you should watch out for and their management.

1. Feeling overwhelmed or stressed out

If you are drowning in responsibilities and feel overwhelmed, the mental stress, sadness, and low mood can lead to a depressive episode. 
Facts like endless chores and commitments with not enough time to complete them, like that weekly dinner with your aunt, tight work deadlines, and working overtime that leads to no real personal time. Management can seem impossible. Another common sign of depression is self Sabotage, affected person starts doing things that create hindrances in his path of success.
The list of real reasons and facts that causes mental stress regularly may seem endless. 

But, psychologists say that these unique clinical depression triggers can be minimized if you know your symptoms and carefully analyze your mood and place boundaries on what your mind can and cannot do. Know that it’s ok to say no. If a task must be completed but seems like too much, don’t risk it. Try to break it down into simpler tasks, or save it for later. This way you can take one step at a time so there is less mental stress. No matter how bad your symptoms are, always remember that suicide is not the answer. You can always contact the national suicide helpline if you have suicidal thoughts. Reach out at least by email if you need help.

2. A secondary health condition

Illnesses may happen before or after you're confirmed to have depression. The stress of medical illness may be the reason for your depressive mood, or the disorder may have been the result of the depression, or it can even be an unrelated health concern. Whichever the case, prioritize and take care of medical issues and unique symptoms that require immediate care. 

Create an effective treatment plan and make sure your family and friends understand and know about it. Keep in touch with them at least by sending an email once in a while. This way, you can reduce some of the mental stress and sadness caused by the illness or disorder on your mind and prevent its symptoms from overwhelming your life and causing a depressive mood. You can also join support groups or therapy for medical issues. This can help you find comfort among understanding individuals. 

3. Being overweight

People who are obese are more at risk to be diagnosed with depression or a mental disorder than those who are of normal weight. Stress caused by your weight can also be a risk. Consider effective weight loss treatment options. Weight management is possible. Evaluate your lifestyle, start eating healthy, and stay active to avoid sadness and other depression triggers. 

Don’t fall into unique diet traps and make smart, long-term health beneficial changes including taking short walks every day or taking part in any other physical activity that you enjoy. Even if you are not obese, staying active is a great way to keep your mind away from depression symptoms and other illness.

4. Difficult life transitions

Many changes in life, including the death of a loved one or the end of a cherished relationship, are unexpected and out of your control. Nonetheless, you should take measures to avoid depression triggers caused by them. It's necessary to give yourself time to mourn and grieve the loss. Coping with changes in a healthy way by acknowledging that what you feel is natural and common. Don't go into isolation. Spend time with people you trust in, friends or family whom you can rely on for support. Many changes in life come about as a result of your decision. 

Significant decisions, including marriage, divorce, relocation, or career changes, can be delayed until you are at a point where you can make a clear-headed decision. Speak to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist whose point of view can help you decide whether or not you made the right decision. Drop an email if they are too far away to visit. Therapy can help your mind overcome these feelings of helplessness and your mental disorder.

5. Alcohol abuse

While the short-term buzz from alcohol can briefly take your mind off problems, using alcohol as a way to cope with symptoms of depression would only worsen depressive episodes. Speak directly to the health care provider about how to treat substance misuse or dependence. Hiding an addiction or denying therapy would possibly create a greater risk for a depressive episode. Don’t hesitate to seek effective treatment options if you are unable to break the addiction. Professionals can treat you and keep your mind healthy.

6. Poor diet

Food items high in fat including cakes, pizza, and processed food can worsen feelings of detachment and lethargy. Reduce the possibility of a depressive episode by including more fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking more water. Switching to these healthier choices will make you feel happier and less likely to overindulge in unhealthy options. You can also keep away and manage other illnesses. 

7. Poor sleep habits

People who sleep for less than six hours or more than eight hours are much more likely to be depressed than those who sleep between the six to eight hours required. Practice good sleep hygiene to lower the risk associated with this cause of depression. Go to sleep, and wake up every day at the same time. Switch all appliances off at least one hour before bedtime. The blue light from screens can disrupt your sleep and cause wakefulness. 

Create a quiet, soothing bedroom atmosphere by limiting sources of light and noise. Including calming methods like drinking warm milk or tea, reading, taking a bubble bath or meditating before bedtime can help you sleep better. If you practice a healthy lifestyle and have not experienced any significant changes or mental stress but yet feel depressed or have thoughts of suicide, talk to your doctor, or get therapy for insomnia treatment. It is treatable. Don’t hesitate to contact the national suicide helpline if you have such thoughts.

8. Certain medications

Certain medications, such as heart medication, birth control, opioid painkillers, and specific medicines for blood pressure can cause symptoms and make people feel depressed. Speak to your doctor about switching your treatment plan. Hyperthyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland) can also trigger depression but it is treatable. Yet, being depressed is most often triggered by a variety of biological, psychological, and social factors that can widely differ from one person to another


Besides what you might have seen in television commercials, read in newspaper articles, or maybe even heard from a doctor, being depressed is not merely the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. Receiving too much or too little of certain brain chemicals can easily be cured with medication and treatment. 

Biological causes may play a role in depression, this includes inflammation, hormonal changes, suppression of the immune system, irregular brain function, dietary shortages, and the shrinking of brain cells. But psychological and social factors such as past trauma, refusal of therapy, misuse of drugs, depression, low self-esteem, and choices of lifestyle can also play a major part. Remember that depression is treatable but it must not be ignored as it poses a risk of suicide.

Before you leave, also check out our next post on 4 ways to help yourself through depression.
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